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Forum Poster V3 CRACKED [YCWS]

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Forum Poster V3 CRACKED [YCWS]

• Improvements to AI research • AI is more willing to talk to players it doesn't like.. • Slight HP adjustment on genius AI • Improved AI researching of extreme planet techs • AI will give extra defense coverage for its capital world.. • AI will use larger ships for defender class vessels • AI values trade routes based on wealth rather than pure quantity • New AI evaluation system for deciding when to build large ships vs.

Oct 01, 2017  Replacing Alternator and Starter in a Below are some additional forum policies in hopes of all iboats members will follow, Thank you.. Don't worry you can destroy pretty nature and build a parking lot Farms can only be built on arable land.. Cities no longer require special resources, just food The higher the class of the planet, the more likely it is to have Arable Land.. AI is better at stationing defenses around key worlds rather than spreading them evenly.. AI smarter about how many ships to keep in orbit based on planet class and other factors AI smarter about when to build defenders AI slightly smarter in handling garrisons AI improvements in research choosing Better AI constructor navigation late Game AI a lot smarter about trading resources with player to match marketplace pacing. Click

Here are some of the major new features: Features Taxes You can set your tax rate on the govern screen.. AI will talk more to you regarding your evil immoral ways Made AI 'dumber' on lower difficulty levels.. (this change requires Crusade) Extreme Worlds Extreme planet frequently increased substantially.. Increasing the tax rate will decrease your Civilization's morale You can decide if you want your GDP to remain in the hands of your citizens, or go toward supporting your latest war effort or infrastructure project. 3

AI now updates its ship blueprints when a tech is researched rather than every N turns reducing turn times and making the AI smarter.. Corrosive Worlds: Can be colonized by Carbon based life but not by Synthetic without tech Bacterial Worlds: Can be colonized by Synthetic but not by Carbon without tech Frozen worlds: Can now be colonized by Synthetic civs without tech Barren worlds: Can now be colonized by Synthetic civs without tech Radioactive worlds: Can now be colonized by Silicon civs without tech AI AI is more likely to request tribute.. (this change requires Crusade) Food Arable Land has been added Most planets have at least 1 arable land tile. e828bfe731 Click

Note that high taxation does not effect the morale of synthetic species, feel free to give everything to government when playing the Yor.. Please do not reply to old topics or hijack existing topics This is doubled if these tiles are connected to your home planet and multiplied by Tourism improvements on each colony.. The more Influence you have, the more space you control, the more money you will make from Tourism.. *** Released 4/11/18 *** Hello! Today we are releasing v3 0 today which is a massive update to the game.. New Tutorial Updated tutorial and a re-worked user experience to better introduce new players to the game Tourism Tourism is now based on the amount of tiles you own. 5